Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Trivial Pursuits

So, we've recently formed a trivia league which competes in the live trivia night at Plucker's on Wednesday nights. Last week was our first night (when our team name was "The After-School Specials," and we had 10 people, 42 points [the winning team had 50], and a good starting experience).

Tonight, with a new team name (Public Mastication, followed by various taglines [choking on the chicken, we've got your creme filling right here, finishing off the competition... you get the picture; we're all VERY mature), we TIED FOR FIRST PLACE by scoring 63 points. We had a GREAT team with various smarts (and the sports round didn't totally finish us off this week). I'm proud to say that I contributed three of those answers. My three definite contributions were to the questions:

  • What was the name of the farm in Charlotte's Web?
  • What is the first line of the Sesame Street theme song?
  • What two countries does Hadrian's wall separate?

If you know the answers, maybe you too can win a prize. Post them below if you're interested in competing.

What a fun night, a fun team, a fun almost-total-victory (we wound up taking 2nd place, as there was a wing-eating competition of the "Fire in the Hole" wings... Sid finished 2nd [just barely!] and will likely suffer the consequences for a few days to come... we let him keep the $25 gift card for keeping us in the game).

I love Austin. :)

1 comment:

Sars said...

You, my friend, are a nerd. A dirty nerd, but a nerd nonetheless. And that makes me really, really like you.