Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Mild Superlative

I have recently come to discover the beauty of the usage of mild superlatives. Yes, mild superlatives. Let me explain. I was recently talking with a friend on the phone [wonder of wonders] about plans to get together to work on papers and/or get some food in the process. She made the statement, "I AM a little bit starving," which gave me pause and planted the seed of the concept of the mild superlative.

A mild superlative is simply that-- taking an extreme situation and watering it down. For example:
I'm a bit exhausted.
I kind of love it.
It's slightly miraculous.
He's moderately gorgeous.

I called my friend out on her comment and we discussed the topic a bit more in depth, along with the sociolinguistic notion that gender might have some effect on the usage and emission of such devices.

Really though, I think the concept, the product, and catching people using mild superlatives in real life is a little bit hilarious.

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